
With circles our existence prevails, invisible yet so present. From a circle of friends to a circle of possessions, we shall become crescent. Reflecting the rays of their presence, we echo their essence. In the mirror of introspection, all you could perceive is their reflection.

In this post, I shall talk about circles. Everything can be grouped into a circle, from what we are to what we think. We could even go to the extent of identifying as what we think. Your circle either creates you, or destroys you. That we have all heard, but we usually associate it with people… Not the other factors which may cure, or envenom as they slither away.

Everything affects you. From videos you watch, to books you read. They become your reality. The same goes for food, you are what you eat. It does not have to be the people around you. Knowing that a lot of us spend hours on our phones, it might as well be considered the greatest factor. It can either make you, or break you.

Renovate your circles. Extract the venom, and introduce an elixir.

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