This is something I struggled with but I have managed have some sort of consistency lately and it is honestly a life-changer to the point where I felt the need to share.
Too much of anything is bad. No matter what it is, it will always end up bad.
You gym too much to an excessive level? No time to recover thus no muscle growth. Alongside that, you are risking potential injuries if you put too much on the bar.
You excessively stay indoors and spend most of the time by yourself? You risk not having a social life, forming connections and having new experiences. It can shape your personality into a much more enclosed person which blocks out any room to grow.
You excessively spend your time outdoors and around people all the time? You do not allow your mind to expand, this also risks personal growth considering that you do not give yourself time to be alone, to think and to work on yourself.
These were just 3 examples off the top of my head but as you can clearly see… zillions of them can easily be formed. Some things may seem productive or good to do but unfortunately may not be that good if done excessively. It may potentially lead to a burnout.
I myself have experienced plenty of burnouts after putting very high expectations and pushing myself through a lot of stress. Yes, it is good to have grit, perseverance and patience only when it\’s manageable \”good\” stress. Again, balance… too much stress is bad and too little stress is also bad.
Now I am not sure whether you yourself are a person of spirituality or believe in a creator or not. I personally realised that doing your absolute best under the circumstances you were in and letting the rest in the hands of the creator is one of the most mind-freeing experiences that is supported by balance.

Once you feel like the weights are stacking up on one end of the scale, start moving the weights to the other side and work on making them equal. That is how you get to enjoy what you are doing and actually progress.
I enjoy listening to \”The Joe Rogan Experience\” and there was this particular video that I truly benefited from. It was with Firas Zahabi and he was talking about \”flow\”. This is a method of balance which helps with promoting consistency when it comes to chasing after your goals, the example was about working out in the video and it discussed how you can use \”flow\” to workout smarter.

As you can clearly see in this figure, flow operates when there is a balance between skills and challenges, whether it was low for both or high. As long as one of them is within the range of the other, flow occurs and it allows the most optimal progression. Challenge yourself according to your skillset. You then will progress and take on greater challenges whilst improving your skillset. All thanks to balance.
Balance is key. I struggle with it for certain things, especially taking rest, but it’s a slow growing journey at times.
It does indeed take time to get used to, it’s worth it at the end. Thanks for your comment!