I have not written in a very long time due to me prioritizing other things over writing which has kind of made me drift away from this special art. For this blog post, I would like to discuss having faith in yourself.
Importance of Faith in Yourself
We all want things in life, whether it be materialistic goods or experiences. If we do not have the faith and confidence within ourselves to achieve what we desire, then who will?
You only have yourself in this world. As humans, we tend to attach ourselves to different things from family to friends, expectations to results. At the end of the day, you know you the most. You know your ins and outs. Your darkest secrets. It is only a matter of time where you prioritize your faith in yourself over other people\’s faith in you. You do not need the greenlight from anyone to act in a certain way or do a specific thing.
Always Believe
A major thing I want to highlight is that sometimes what you want is not written for you. That should never discourage you from believing because there is always a greater purpose which the present blinds us to, but we manage to understand once the future unfolds.
Work + Time + Faith
You should also be willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears. You should be willing to sacrifice. You should be willing to change. Faith by itself is meaningless without putting in the work. You need to sit down with yourself and plan, then execute. Another thing I would like to mention is that us humans are impatient, we need to take the consideration of time. Good things take time. A pregnant mother needs 9 months for a healthy child, you can\’t expect a healthy child before that.
Another example I really like is the following:

A farmer has faith in the size of his carrots without ever seeing them. He waters them frequently with faith that they will have a large size. The way I see it, this picture portrays the green top as short-term gains and the carrot as long-term gains. It is only a matter of time before you have a large carrot yourself.
Another thing I want you to keep in mind,
\”What you get fast, you lose fast. What you get slow, you lose slow.\”
So have faith, and patience alongside the effort.
There is a quote I really like which I want to conclude this blog post by and it goes like this,
“When you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”