
Now, this does not seem like an existing from a well-known dictionary, well… it\’s not. I decided to break the rules of grammar and utilize it. It is derived from the word of \”ambivert\” which many of you may be familiar with. If not, you shall not worry… I am here to save the day!

What is an ambivert?

Ambiverts are a group of people who carry traits of both introverts and extroverts, I am no psychologist but I like to imagine it as a scale which makes it easier to process. Some people may feel closer to the extrovert side than the introvert side and vice versa.


What makes an ambivert, an ambivert?

  1. You have close to minimal issues being alone or with people
  2. You like meeting new people, but might not feel like it sometimes
  3. You do not mind listening and you do not mind talking

\”Ambivertism\” and I

I consider myself as an ambivert, I feel as if I was much closer towards being an introvert during the beginning of my teenage years, I then started to grow more towards becoming an extrovert. Generally, the meter kind of fluctuates depending on a variety of different circumstances. From what I have noticed, the main border between introverts and extroverts is defined by the idea of \”going out\” and \”staying in\”. I do not precisely know if this is an ambivert trait but I have noticed that if I consistently stay in, I start to adopt more introverted traits and prefer staying in. On the other hand, if I constantly go out and do things, I tend to adopt more extroverted traits.

Are you an ambivert?

Well, there are plenty of tests online but I am not quite sure of the authenticity of the results. This website uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a guide towards finding out what personality you possess, I have heard mixed opinions about this test and on how accurate it actually is, I personally think it is fun to do the test and read about your personality.

2 thoughts on “\”Ambivertism\””

  1. Humans are very interesting, although some might be pretty sure about their habits and behaviour we sometimes find ourselves adapting new ones depending on situation and time, this what makes us special (continuous changes), it is my first time knowing about an ambivert which makes a perfect explanation for each time I questioned my self about being an extrovert or introvert

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